Customers Reviews

Customers opinions concerning new products by the Raypath International company:
The waterworks miracles on pathogenic changes on skin e.g., herpes and all types of wounds. The second time when it amazed me was spraying fungus on the joints in the bathroom. It turns out that it hasn’t come back to the surface for a month; of course, before spraying it with water, I cleaned it with the cleaners. Grey soap is also highly recommended for customers.
Best regards :) Joanna Burkacka.
I am delighted with using the soap, it washes cleaners very well, and it helps in the removal of stains; it works significantly on acne-ridden skin. Best regards, Justyna Cieślak.
I want to share my observations concerning the water with the silver nanoparticles. When I received a small bottle of water, I took it with a grain of salt, and I thought that until I test it on something real, I will not advertise it. I think that I approached this subject like customers sometimes come our cleaners, before seeing them, not believing in their effectiveness.
At first, I tested the water on filthy surfaces, and I counted on the easier removal of dirt. The results were outstanding, and I had an impression that the water with nano makes it easier to remove the land from the cleaned surface.
After that, I tested the water on my face. Some pimple was starting to emerge in the corner of my mouth. I sprayed it with the water three times during one day, and the next day it was gone. In general, when I feel or see that something is starting to appear on my face, I spray it with water, and it disappears after some time. I have to mention that I recently started washing my face with our soap (with nano), and I see that it has similar antibacterial properties.
I also spray the water on some skin cuts and wounds; they also heal faster. However, the most extensive tests were conducted by me on the mold- and fungi-covered surfaces. I searched for places at home which due to dampness, started to be covered in black mold. The result was strikingly effective. I was very surprised when after a few hours, fungi disappeared from the sprayed fragment, and even the black color turned into opaque. Only some kind of cobweb remained – it was sufficient to remove it with a care glove or a pink one, and there was no trace left. Because I have tested our water (with nano), I am sure of its effectiveness. I convey this confidence to my customers, so I am even more trustworthy and professionally prepared for work. So my tests have shown that this water is sensational, and now I use it with higher confidence. Have a nice day and best regards, Tomasz Mazur.
I have tested the nanosilver soap, and I have noticed that it has the following properties: - removes dandruff, - eliminates unpleasant smell of sweat, - heals (smoothes out) cracked skin on heels, and between toes. Whereas the Nano Silver Water: - soothes symptoms of skin eczema, - eliminates mold, - speeds up the healing of wounds (tested on my dog). Regards, Wojciech Czerniejewski.
I want to share my observations concerning the application of the Raypath International nano water. I mostly use this product to disinfect the toilet seat, toothbrushes, the hand brush, the shaver, the seal in the refrigerator, and generally inside it or in the microwave; I even sprayed the nano water on my leg and tongue, and everything was OK. I also used it for the inside of ski boots before and after skiing. For me, this water is fantastic, and this is a good time to show it off more on the official site of Raypath International and through the consultants. I had some questions asked when I showed the product at the dentist’s, beauty parlor, or hairdresser’s – it would be good to sell or give the nano water for free to those specialists to gain entry and have it recommended to their acquaintances, both professional and private ones. The product presents a great element of nanotechnology in connection with the soap and, first of all with the cleaners, which in my opinion, have refreshed the company and show some type of timelessness. I also used the nano water to disinfect my child’s bottle, especially the teat’s thread. It is great that the nano water has no smell, it doesn’t sensitize, it doesn’t irritate, it is neutral on the surfaces it is applied onto, Motała Marek
I have been using the water with silver colloids on the wall in the basement because it was wet and horrible-looking. Before that, I had used the white glove to wash it. The Raypath water stopped the growth of the fungi. I also used the water to rinse my irritated throat three times a day for 3 days. It helped me in healing the inflammation. The soap with nanosilver looks like real, traditional grey soap. Congratulations! Regards D.Niemczycka.
One of my customers (a person with broad allergic changes on hands and cracking wounds) use the NATURAL SOAP with nanosilver for full body care and thinks that the soap doesn’t irritate it, her skin doesn’t crack more, and that happens when she is using other products, e.g., hair shampoos, so I advised her to use the soap with nanosilver instead of a shampoo. According to some other customer’s opinions, I know that hair is fluffy, soft, and shining. Positive changes on hands were noticed even by a neighbor, who said that the changes on the skin have never looked so soothed before. This lady uses the nanosilver water in the kitchen and in the bathroom for disinfection, but it is too early to say something more. In general, she is delighted with having and using the Raypath set. I use the soap for washing the FG cleaner, and I think it flows with greater efficiency than regular soap and doesn’t make the skin on your hands dry. Sincerely, Elżbieta Słotwińska.
In my opinion, the soap is practical and useful not only for cleaning surfaces with the cleaners but also for body care. As for the nanosilver water, I haven’t had an opportunity to test it. However, I think that this is a great product and more universal than soap. It will be helpful after swimming in the pool or using the public toilet. Monika Zawitaj Usage of the Natural Soap with the nanosilver Natural soap containing nanosilver. The solution is based on own experience and the customers’ experiences.
BODY CARE - soothes inflammatory conditions and all irritations on the acne skin, speeds up the healing of inflammatory focuses, - gives a feeling of freshness and cleanliness, minimizes unpleasant smell of sweat, the soap with nanosilver eliminates bacteria, - it is an alternative for a shampoo, good results in cases of itching skin and dandruff, after a week of usage the customer said that she didn’t have dandruff anymore, - can be used for personal hygiene – it doesn’t irritate, has antiseptic qualities, - soothes irritations and disinfects the skin after shaving, - speeds up the process of healing wounds, - skin becomes smoother, - gives very good and quick results in healing cracked hands – customers had cracks of chemical origin on the hands, resulting from previously used products. After one week of using the soap with nanosilver, the skin became smoother, and the cracks disappeared - good results in the cases of injuries (contusions, inflammation of muscles, inflammation of joints, tendons) after soaking the injured place in hot water with the soap with nanosilver.
APPLICATION IN THE HOUSEHOLD AND EVERYDAY LIFE - to wash cleaners, - cleaning sanitary facilities (bathroom) and kitchen appliances, - disinfection of the sport shoes, etc. – to clean the inside of the shoes with the white cleaner and the soap with nanosilver – it eliminates bacteria and the unpleasant smell of sweat, - plant care – to spray pot plants with the soap dissolved in water – it protects them against aphis, spider mites, etc. Beneficial organisms are not destroyed during the process. Prepared by Beata Kulik.
