
A growing number of threats to the natural environment is partly due to an excessive amount of various types of dust and gases. The amount of emitted polluting agents reaches hundreds of thousands of tons each year. The primary part of pollution is identified as tiny particles of dust. Various saprophytes, fungi and bacteria which can cause numerous allergies to grow in the dust particles. They settle on all micro-cracks; they are inhaled together with air into the lungs, influencing our health. The effective removal of dirt allows us to decrease the risk of getting mycosis. The undermentioned research results show that the traditional cleaning methods do not completely fulfill our expectations. However, it turns out that using the Raypath Cleaning Technique, based on the new textile nanotechnologies, may be successfully used without harmful detergents, and it enables the effective removal of various types of dirt.

The Raypath Cleaning Technique – ECOLOGY OF TOMORROW

A proper process of using the Raypath Cleaning Technique includes the following stages:

1. Moistening a white or care cleaner with lukewarm water.

2. Rubbing dirty surfaces to separate dirt particles and turn them into an emulsion.

3. Collecting emulsion and polishing the cleaned surface with a moist Sunbeam cleaner.

4. After the cleaning process, you need to wash the cleaners in lukewarm water, natural soap, or a washing machine. Leaving dirty cleaners for a more extended period may cause permanent stains, which can penetrate the fibers' material. The cleaners should be dried hung at room temperature.

The removal of dirt utilizing a traditional method with the use of detergents and the Raypath Cleaning Technique ECOLOGY OF TOMORROW

 The research was conducted for the two distinct surfaces used in households, hospitals, service points, and industrial companies. To a large extent, the surfaces imitate the tabletop and ceramic surfaces of products such as tiles, porcelain, semi-vitreous chinaware, glass, etc. These are flax board and ceramic hob. Artificial dirt is a mix of dust, soot, coaldust, silicates, and a layer of grease.


The traditional method with detergents is base on using a cotton cloth moistened with a water solution of detergents for washing and cleaning the surface. The three most popular detergents on the market from various manufacturers were used. This is what the results look like:

Research results for the ceramic hob

cleaning methodMoisturizing environmentaverage effectiveness of cleaning

cotton cloth

+ detergents water + detergent 1 81 %

water + detergent 2 86 %

water + detergent 3 86 %

Raypath Technology ECOLOGY OF TOMORROW water 98 %

Research results for the flaxboard

cleaning methodMoisturizing environmentaverage effectiveness of cleaning

cotton cloth

+ detergents water + detergent 1 68 %

water + detergent 2 67 %

water + detergent 3 75 %

Raypath Technology ECOLOGY OF TOMORROW water 95 %



The removal of Aspergillus Niger fungi utilizing a traditional method with the use of chemical agents and the Raypath Cleaning Technique ECOLOGY OF TOMORROW

Aspergillus Niger is a fungus named black aspergillus, widespread in natural environment, conditionally pathogenic for humans.

In the traditional method, we use a cotton cloth moistened with the most concentrated solution of the chemical agent marked 'detergent 3' in the previous research.

Research results for the ceramic hob

cleaning methodaverage effectiveness of cleaning


- after cleaning 99,2 %

Raypath technique

- after cleaning 99,992 %

Research results for flax board

cleaning methodaverage effectiveness of cleaning


 - after cleaning 99,48 %

Raypath technique

- after cleaning 99,97 %


The results of the conducted research show that the effectiveness of the microbiological cleaning for the surfaces infected with bacteria and fungi is significantly more significant with the use of the Raypath Cleaning Technique cleaners, with the help of water, than in the case of cotton cloths with detergents.

The research results conducted under the supervision of Stanisław Pfeifer, D.Sc., show outstanding effectiveness of dirt removal when using the Raypath Cleaning Technique compared to traditional methods, using cotton cloths and detergents. We need to underline the elimination of detergents that are troublesome for the environment and that our products have the certificate of the National Institute of Hygiene registered under the numbers: HŻ/C/00151/08 HK/B/1250/01/2007, accepted throughout the countries of the European Union.

The Office of the Consumer Quality Standards wants to congratulate you for choosing this product and recommends the Raypath Cleaning Techniques for broad usage in households, institutions, and entities implementing (using) the HACCAP sanitary system."

